Jackie Roliardi
Painting and Drawing

My work is inspired by the work of the Abstract Expressionist art movement of the 1940s , as well as with the Bay Area Figurative painters in the 1950s and 1960s. I view art as an expression of what wants and needs to come forth.
I work freely and spontaneously initially, allowing the content to literally find itself in the work through the use of a variety of tools and techniques. Each piece involves intricate layering of paint and transparent glazes, with an eventual focus on the design elements of color, value, texture, line and shape in relationship to each other, and to the whole composition.
I experience the creative process in the same way that I approach and experience everything in life. Life cannot be coaxed into being. What wants to come forth, will, and what needs to fall away, will. Life always wants to renew itself in this way, and asks us to provide the space to let it happen. The struggle ensues, when we resist the change that is trying to find it's way to us, and we are too fixed. It limits us in life, and in art.